wpengine summit 2019

WP Engine Summit 2019

In June, we attended an engaging technology summit in Austin, TX, held by our valued hosting partner WP Engine. WP Engine is our preferred hosting partner for a multitude of reasons; besides the quick to respond customer service team and premium security measures, WordPress actively innovates and releases new plugins, integrations, and tools that make building websites easier and more customizable.

Themed around breakthroughs, the Summit was a combination of break-out sessions, tutorials, research presentations, and panels centered around how to innovate and optimize your business with WordPress. We learned about emerging products, such as Atomic Blocks for easy page building and this extension of the new Gutenberg editor can be used to easily customize websites.

One session that was particularly interesting to us was the Generation Z panel, where WP Engine brought in six Gen Z’ers who gave insight into the impact of technology in their lives. There was also discussion on how companies and brands can break through the noise, how they make purchasing decisions, and ultimately what they would like to see in technology.

To cap off the Summit, the keynote was given by motivation speaker and eight-time Pro Bowler, Emmit Smith. Smith shared those breakthrough moments that propelled someone who was called “too small and slow for the game” to become a three-time winner of the Super Bowl, the NFL’s all-time leading rusher, Dancing with the Stars winner, and ultimately enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As the player with the most rushing yards, rushing touchdowns and 100+ yard rushing performances in history, we took some of his notes to heart!

We found the summit to be immensely valuable to our business and look forward to sharing those learnings with you.

“Find ways to make your clients successful, so that you, in turn, can be successful” – Emmit Smith

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