Mumbai Office Visit

Visiting our Mumbai office

Earlier this month, Zach, Jayme and Zahir went to visit our development team in India. This is Zach\’s recap:

Traveling to India certainly opens your eyes to a whole new world that exists. I very much enjoyed myself and learned a lot while visiting.

There’s a level of appreciation for development that comes with meeting your development team in person; I was able to observe how each team member interacts with one another both personally and professionally. Attending daily scrum stand-ups meetings in person also gave me a different perspective on the ongoing development as a product manager. With this broadened understanding, I was able to reflect on how I work to better facilitate projects and communication with the team, as well as identify gaps for potential improvement.

I returned with a renewed energy and refreshed perspective. I absolutely felt the love from the people and am looking forward to traveling again for the delicious food, colorful culture, and smiling faces!

– Zach

Here’s a small gallery of the photos taken during the trip. Click for a larger version!

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